Alarm Filter Based on repetitive alarms or increase in counts

Hello Everyone,

I would like to apply a filter to any alarms that is active and based on number counts or increase in the alarm count on same tag. For example If a High Temp alarm is active and in a day if the count is more than 10 times I would like to send that notification to a specific user.

Hello @Ashik_Mallikarjunapp,

In terms of Alarm Events, an alarm will remain in an "active state" for as long as the setpoint is true. If you wish to only trigger an alarm is the event has been true for a day, you can configure a delay in your alarm notification pipeline, in which the notification would only send out if an alarm has been in an active state and has not hit any dropout conditions for the delay period.

Alternatively, if your alarm is toggling in and out of an alarmed state, and you only wish to alarm when it has become active more than 10 times in a given day, you can configure another tag to act as a monitor for the first tag, using either expressions or tag change scripts to monitor the amount of times an alarm has triggered for a given time period. I'll attach some relevant documentation below that will help get you started.
