Alarm Journal Export

I am trying to export the Alarm Journal data into a csv in an efficient manner, as outlined in this post. I'm using Vision.

I went through the javadocs, but I'm unable to get a reference to the model that I can use a getAlarmAt(int row) method. How can I get to that method using my reference to the Alarm Journal table?
alarm_journal= event.source.parent.getComponent('Alarm Journal')

The model is buried deep in the journal component, and I'm not sure if it can be accessed directly.

However, it can be accessed through the journal's subcomponents. I threw this script together on a test button, and it works:

# Returns the first nested component of a given class
# container = The object containing nested components to be recursively searched
# className = the __name__ of the class given as a string
def getComponentOfClass(container, className):
	for component in container.components:
		if component.__class__.__name__ == className:
			return component
			foundComponent = getComponentOfClass(component, className)
			if foundComponent:
				return foundComponent

# Find the inner table in the alarm journal component
alarmJournal = event.source.parent.getComponent('Alarm Journal')
innerTable = getComponentOfClass(alarmJournal, 'AlarmJournalTable$3')

# Define the parameters needed to convert the table model to an Ignition dataset
data = []
headers = [innerTable.getColumnName(column) for column in xrange(innerTable.columnCount)]

# Extract the row data from the inner table
# If any special filters are needed, do it here in the for loop
for row in xrange(innerTable.rowCount):
	data.append([innerTable.getValueAt(row, column) for column in xrange(innerTable.columnCount)])

# Create the journal data to an Ignition dataset and export it as a CSV
dataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, data)
system.dataset.exportCSV('journalData', True, dataset)

The script simply digs the inner table out, retrieves the data, and converts it to an extractable Ignition dataset.

Out of curiosity. what is the reason for not constructing an alarm query call? It seems like that approach would be simpler.


Thank you for your solution! I was just hoping if I could find a way to directly access the table without having to make the query. The table is already being displayed on the page. Having to do another query seemed redundant, and even your solution also involves constructing the dataset in an O(n) manner. I guess I'll have to do it anyway.

Regardless, thanks a lot! Your solution helps me understand the underlying model, which I could not figure out earlier.

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Untested, but should work.

from org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect import FieldUtils

alarmJournal = event.source.parent.getComponent('Alarm Journal')

model = FieldUtils.readField(alarmJournal, "model", True)
data = FieldUtils.readField(model, "data", True)
ds = data.getDataset()
`system.dataset.exportCSV('journalData', True, ds)`

:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses: trick
I added the export line of code and tested it, and it works perfectly