Alarm Journal - Initialize to current date then allow user custom date range input

Greetings All!

I have an Alarm Journal that has start and end dates that are bound to pop-up calendar components.

The date for the "Start Date" pop-up calendar is bound to the current date/time, minus 24 hours.

The date for the "End Date" pop-up calendar is bound to the systems current date/time.

The goal is I'd like for the user to be able to select a new date/time range from the pop-up calendars after the screen is opened, and the Alarm Journal has INITIALIZED to show the alarm history for the last 24 hours. I know the user will not be able to change this date range with how I have it set up currently, but I cannot wrap my head around what I need to change to get it to work. Is there a way I can one-shot the expression when the screen is opened?


For those interested in the solution, I was able to change the end date binding from "[System]Gateway/CurrentDateTime" to expression binding with "now(0)".

Now, when the alarm history screen is opened, the alarm journal initializes to show the last 24 hours worth of alarms. Once opened and initialized, the user can select new date/time ranges from the pop-up calendars without them getting overwritten.