In my tag browser I have an instance of UDT2 myTag1. I set the helpful Documentation property in my tag instance:
myTag1/instance1.Documentation = "some text A"
myTag1/instance2.Documentation = "some text B"
myTag1/instance3.Documentation = "some text C"
(note I could have used a custom property here but I still can't get that to work)
I want to get this text above into my alarm labels by setting the 'Label' property of each alarmTag#'s alarm within the UDT1 definition. I am expecting to do something like
{[.]../.Documentation)} or {[.]../(.Documentation)}
Is my syntax wrong? This not possible for some reason?
Be aware that bindings in alarm properties are only evaluated when the alarm becomes active (or the tag restarts completely, IIRC). They are not live subscriptions.
In UDTs, all tag properties can have bindings, too, but the same applies--only parameter changes will cause the tag restart that re-evaluates them.
So using the folder structure its not possible to reach a property of a UDT instance? I do notice that I don't see those in the tag browser. I do, however, see properties (like .Documentation) for the primitives there.
And I can definitely reach mine with system.tag.readBlocking("[default]myTag1/instance1.Documentation")