I have a alarm tag with an Associated Data property 'Setpoint B' attached to an expression based on the alarm {mode} property. This should return the alarm SetpointB value if the alarm is in a mode that makes use of the SetpointB value.
I have 2 Ignition systems running the same project that exhibit different behaviour for this field (both running the same version of Ignition 8.1.21 (v2022092908). System 1 is Linux amd64 (Docker) and system 2 is Windows 2019 amd64.
In the 1st system the 'mode' property appears to be a string representation of the alarm mode, e.g. 'Equal', 'Not Equal', 'Between Setpoints', 'Outside Setpoints' and the expression evaluates correctly.
In the 2nd system the 'mode' property appears to be an integer representation of the alarm mode, e.g. 1, 2, 4, 5 and expression does not evaluate correctly.
I can't seem to find a reason for this - any ideas?