Hi everyone,
I’m sending an email, but the default message and subject are used. I have configured my custom message as well as my custom subject, the pipeline just needs to use it. Here the custom message:
u"Le unwinder {UnwID} de la ligne {LineID} a dépassé la limite maximum ajusté à {setpoint} mm avec une valeur de {EndDiameter} mm".format(UnwID = {UnwinderId},LineID = {LineId}, setpoint = {setpointA}, EndDiameter = {[.]Unwinder_EndDiameter})
Here the custom subject:
u"Changement du diamètre de fin sur un Unwinder"
Here is the pipeline used:
And this is the message I get:
Do I need to change Message and Subject into the pipeline properties?
I found my problem!
Custom message and custom subject don’t take the functionnality “u” for french accent.
Can someone d’Ignition fix that?
There’s nothing to fix, the u
prefix is something you use when writing Python code, and these are expressions that you’re using here.
Is there something I can use to keep proper accent?
Hmm, they don’t show up as it is now? There may be something else wrong then…
Nevermind It keep accent! But It don’t take my message, only the subject is taken. Is it because I use .format
Yes, because you’ve written what appears to be Python code in there, referencing properties from… somewhere?
edit: ah, probably those are tags?
Tags and UDT property
What is the code language in expression?
It’s its own thing. The “expression language”.
Your message should probably look something like this:
"Le unwinder {UnwID} de la ligne {LineID} a dépassé la limite maximum ajusté à {setpoint} mm avec une valeur de {EndDiameter} mm"
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