Alarm on Query Tag Not Working

I have alarms set on query tags that are not going off when they should. The query tags run a basic query that returns the number of entries in a table in the last XX minutes. These queries work and will return different values if I vary the number of minutes. However, alarms on these quantities don't work and seem to go off randomly. This is the alarm configuration:
The tag has a value of 1 and should trigger an alarm. The tags are executed at a fixed rate and I have waited through a number of execution cycles without any alarms going off. I know that these alarms can go off and enter the pipeline because they have inexplicably done so a few times. How can I troubleshoot this?

I don't see any reason why the alarm would not trigger properly based on the settings in your screenshot.

It might help to give more information about the tags themselves and the alarm pipeline. What's the Execution Mode of the Query tag? Are you consolidating in your alarm pipeline?

You might also consider creating an expression tag holding a Boolean value that's true when the query tag's value is less than or equal to 5, and then alarm on that Boolean tag instead.

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The Execution mode is Fixed Rate. I've tried making these execute frequently in an attempt to get the alarms to trigger, but that doesn't work. I've also tried adjusting the query to return true or false and use an 'On Condition' alarm trigger, but that didn't work. I'm not familiar with consolidating in an alarm pipeline, what is that?