Alarm Property Reference displayPath not functioning consistently nor as documented


I just noticed that on some (not all) of my tags I cannot change the tag alarm property ‘Display Path’… It’s like the input field box is disabled… If I click the binding button and find the tag it seems to take as an abbreviated tag such as [.]Is Connected rather than showing the full path (which is what I want) and when the email notification comes through the message (which is in html), which includes Source tag path: {displayPath}, that part just returns true or false…

This appears to be only from alarms that I have configured in V8.

So I went to the User Manual and found that for the ‘Display Path’ property:
Optional text that will be used for display and browsing purposes. If this is blank, this property will show the path to the Tag and the name of the alarm instead.
I tried to leave it blank and the email notification for that part becomes blank…

I tried using non html - no difference.
