Alarm Status Table Failed to query alarms

My gateway log in the past few days is continuously logging an error “Alarm Status Table Failed to query alarms”, details being java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
It happens whenever I am viewing the Alarm Status Table page.

I only have one Alarm Status Table in the project.

The Alarm Status Table used to shows alarms (before seeing these errors). But now, the table is empty.

I deleted the Alarm Status Table component, and the errors stopped.
As soon as I added an Alarm Status Table component, the errors returned again, and the table is blank.

Can anyone shine some light on this?

Did you get any more information on this?

I am seeing the same errors, but I think the error message is deceptive. I’m getting this error on views that do not have an Alarm Status Table or any other alarm functions present, only tag bindings

What version of Ignition are you both using?

I’m on 8.1.13

I’m on 8.1.10.

After we deleted the table, and all clients have updated their project, then the error stopped.
As soon as we added the table back, the error occurs again.

Looks like this is a bug that’s fixed in 8.1.14.

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I just upgraded to Version 8.1.14. And the bug seems to have gone away.
Thank you!

I’m having this same alarm in 8.1.16. A Vision Alarm Status table component works find and displays the local gateway’s alarms, but the Perspective Alarm Status table will not, and I get the same repeat error logs as the OP.

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