All my tags disappeared

Hey !

I have a problem. I have data types with files in them and tags in the files.

I created another data type with just the files “TM”, “TC”… so I can use the function parent data type and then, I have the same files in my 2 objects.

The problem is that when I did it for my data type “CentraleDeMesure1”, all my tags disappeared.
After, I removed the parent data type and all my tags and files I had before doing this disappeared.

Now, I have this

So I tried to remake my tags and files but I have this error message.

Somehow, it says that my files and tags still exist.
I don’t know if I have to delete this data type and remake another one or if I can save this.

Thanks for your help.

I don't understand what you're trying to do. Why do you want two of the same thing ?

Also, I think you mean 'folder', not 'file'.

I would like to do this in Ingnition
Because “Centrale” and “Onduleur” have the same folders. So if I create an object with the folders, I have to create the folders only once.

But I solved my problem and recreate my tags.