Alternate clicking

what can i do when i click the highlighted one then the remoe:true in instance 0 turn into false . like this

and when i click the other it become like this

You can send a message on the base view and implement the message handler on the flex repeater to set the value remove as true.
Method 1:
On base view:

system.perspective.sendMessage("lotCarrierSelection", payload = {"carrierName": "one"}

On message Handler: check and set the prop like this

if payload['carrierName'] == 'one':
    instanceProps['remove'] = True

Method 2:

Configure the 'remove' parameter in the base view as 'Output'
By clicking on the :arrow_left: icon beside the param name (Params section of view )

not working

The methods suggested by vasanth.p does work as a concept. However, you won't be able to just copy-paste his example code. You would need to modify it to your specific case.

i try the suggestion and modify depending to what i need. but does not work

You'll need to be more specific. You can't expect people to put in effort to help you if you don't even provide the errors you run into.