Alternative methods to display PDFs

Are there any alternative methods to display PDFs other than the PDF viewer? I’m trying to get PDFs to display on a larger screen but the PDF viewer compresses the PDFs so much that the text is pretty much unreadable and the images are often too blurry to understand what is going on in them.

I’ve tried everything I can think of for the PDF viewer and I’m ready to just give up on the component. Anyone have any experience using custom functions to display PDFs?

An easy option is to use the web browser module. You’ll need a webserver of some kind to ‘serve’ the actual PDF contents - you can use Ignition, via the Webdev module, or some external fileserver hooked up to your DB.

When will the PDF Viewer be updated to v6.3.x in Ignition v7.9?
It seems that they ‘fixed’ the blurry images…

We can’t update to 6.3 in 7.9, because it requires Java 8. Ignition 7.9 (contractually) has to support Java 6, 7, and 8.

OK, I tried in Ignition 8.0.9.
On the left is the PDF (Siemens manual) open in the Ignition in the PDF Viewer.
On the right is the same PDF open in Adobe Viewer…

The picture in the Ignition PDF Viewer is … unrecognizable…
And all the pictures in the PDF are the same… you can’t see, what the picture represents…
And this is the original Siemens Manual PDF from Siemens Customer Support site.
68011496_S7-1200_1500_Webserver_DOC_v3_en.pdf (1.7 MB)

We can’t update the viewer in 7.9. We also haven’t updated it in 8.0. So I would expect the behavior to be exactly the same.

At some point soon we’re going to go to 6.3.2 in 8.0.X. We’ll update this thread when that happens.

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