
When you have a minute, take a look at this screen and see if you can tell me what’s going on. I’m just thinking ahead, trying to come up with ways I can spruce up my screens in the future.

There are two fans, one that spins on its vertical axis, and one that rotates. With the first one, I just wanted to give it the appearance of rotating (use your imagination :slight_smile: ). They are both keyed off a timer, which ultimately would be replaced by real feedback devices.

So, a couple of questions: When both components are on the screen, the fan on the vertical axis really takes a lot of the resources. Is this a function of the horizontal stretching, or is it because of my expression?

Second, if I delete the fan on the vertical axis, and give the focus to the screen, the rotating fan spins like crazy. But if I give the focus back to either the fan or the timer, it slowns down considerably. Why would this be?

Again, don’t waste a lot of time on this. I’m just playing around for now, but want to see what makes sense and what doesn’t for the future.
Rotate.fwin (5.68 KB)

Your timer delay is set to zero, which means run as fast as possible. You don’t want this. (this is why it ‘goes crazy’ when you don’t select it - it can repaint much faster when the designer handles aren’t on top of it).

Set the delay to something like 33 (33ms = 30 fps = full motion video), and you should see the CPU usage drop.

Stretching an image is a very CPU intensive task, which is why that fan takes up so much CPU (vs rotating an image, which is much faster).