Any way to have a custom editor on an AlarmProperty?

I'm trying to have a custom editor (the "__tagPath" editor) on an alarm property being provided by my module, but it doesn't seem there is a way to do this (or at least I'm not seeing it).

The AlarmManager.registerExtendedConfigProperties seems to take an AlarmProperty, which super's DescriptiveProperty, something that ConfigurationProperty also has, so I thought I could create a new BasicAlarmConfigurationProperty that extends BasicAlarmProperty and implements ConfigurationProperty and pass that in. If I do that, when creating a tag I get an error:

ExecutionException: com.inductiveautomation.ignition.client.gateway_interface.GatewayException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error cloning object through serialization.
	caused by GatewayException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error cloning object through serialization.
	caused by ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error cloning object through serialization.

This is the complete class:

public class BasicAlarmConfigurationProperty<T> extends BasicAlarmProperty<T> implements ConfigurationProperty<T>, Serializable {

    List<ConfigurationProperty.Option<T>> options = null;
    ConfigurationProperty.CustomEditorDescriptor editor = null;
    String baseKey = null;

    public BasicAlarmConfigurationProperty() {}
    public BasicAlarmConfigurationProperty(AlarmProperty<T>base, String displayKey) {
        super(base, displayKey);
    public BasicAlarmConfigurationProperty(String name, Class<T> type, T defaultVal, String displayKey,
                                           String categoryKey, String descKey, boolean bindable, boolean advanced,
                                           String editorKey) {
        super(name, type, defaultVal, displayKey, categoryKey, descKey, bindable, advanced);
        setCustomEditor(new ConfigurationProperty.CustomEditorDescriptor(editorKey));

    public void setCustomEditor(ConfigurationProperty.CustomEditorDescriptor desc) {
        editor = desc;

    public void setOptions(List<ConfigurationProperty.Option<T>> options) {
        this.options = options;

    public Optional<List<Option<T>>> getOptions() {
        return Optional.ofNullable(options);

    public Optional<CustomEditorDescriptor> getCustomEditor() {
        return Optional.ofNullable(editor);

    public Optional<String> getValueDisplayBaseKey() {
        return Optional.empty();

Is there a way to do this? The end use here is that I'd like to pick an associated tag that reflects the alarm status back into the data source (for example, keeping alarm generation in the HMI but copying the status in the PLC). I'd like the property to include a tag browser similar to how the Reference Tag's source works.

Definition of the property:

public class AlarmProperties {

    public static final BasicAlarmProperty<String> REMOTE_STATE = new BasicAlarmConfigurationProperty<>(


And adding it to the extended properties in the Gateway Hook:

    public void setup(GatewayContext gatewayContext) {
        this.gatewayContext = gatewayContext;

        BundleUtil.get().addBundle("AlarmHandshake", getClass(), "AlarmProperties");
        gatewayContext.getAlarmManager().registerExtendedConfigProperties(MODULE_ID, AlarmProperties.REMOTE_ACK);

I think this just isn't possible, unfortunately. Your custom configuration property can't be cloned for storage because it's defined in your module's classloader and the platform doesn't have access to it, and even if it could, I don't think anything in the alarm editing UI is actually paying attention to that custom editor descriptor field.