Anyone noticed the change in data type if the property editor is not sized large enough?

When I am adding custom props or params, and the property editor is not wide enough, it will take a true or false and convert that to a string.

I created the allowCustomOptions param and custom prop here. The param I had to widen the editor window, select the false text, press Enter and it changed to boolean.

The custom prop I just created to demonstrate that it is a string. Now, when I widen the editor window...

Now, select the text and press enter...


For what it's worth, here's a bug.

Not so much a bug, but a limitation of Perspective's type-detection of typed-in values. Happens with numbers that look like strings, too. If you need to assign a string "false", or a number as a string, temporarily use an expression binding with the desired string, and then remove the binding.


I believe that anything that you type in the multiline text editor, that appears from clicking this icon that appears when the property text is too long for the Property Editor panel, will be interpreted as a string without any sort of type detection.

I'll shorten the Property Editor to use it sometimes if I'm punching in test data for a component and I have a part number that would be interpreted as an integer that I need to be a string.