Extremely brief introduction. Scoop is for Windows what Homebrew is for macOS, or perhaps apt-get for Linux.
You may (or may not) know me as the maintainer of ignition-api
Python package (ignition-api · PyPI), its stub package (ignition-api-stubs · PyPI), incendium
(Ignition Exchange | Inductive Automation and incendium · PyPI), and the Ignition Homebrew formula (GitHub - coatl-dev/homebrew-coatl-dev: 🍺 coatl.dev Homebrew Tap). Now comes yet another way to install Ignition on Windows via scoop (GitHub - coatl-dev/scoop-coatl-dev: 📦 coatl.dev Scoop bucket).
Because I like to automate the tedious/boring tasks, and in my case I like to install Ignition via the ZIP file installation rather than the installer.
To learn how to install Ignition via scoop
, you may read the blog post announcing coatl.dev’s Scoop bucket.