API POST Token not works


Script below doesn't work suchas it works on Postman.
Response is 401.
Is it an API problem or script problem ?

import system
import features
from urllib import urlencode
clientID = "myclient_id"
clientSECRET = "myclient_secret"
url = "https://site.example/access_token"
body = {
headers = {
	"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
	"Accept": "*/*",
	"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
	"Connection": "keep-alive",
	"Authorization": "Basic xxxxxxxxx"

output = system.net.httpPost(
		postData = urlencode(body), 
		username = clientID, 
		password = clientSECRET, 
		headerValues = headers


Use system.net.httpClient instead of system.net.httpPost. It uses an entirely different (modern) engine that fixes many otherwise unfixable problems with the older functions.

It doesn't work too.
I get an error 400.

client = system.net.httpClient()
payload = {
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  'Authorization': 'Basic xxx'
res = client.post( url, payload, headers)

Can you post a snip of what your Postman window looks like? I've been bitten by this where Postman will automatically add some header that isn't visible and that will be the reason why it works there but not from an httpClient

Headers :

Body :

HttpClient doesn't currently properly encode x-www-form-urlencoded requests. Use urllib to encode your POST data to a string, then httpClient() should be able to send it.

It doesn't work with

from urllib import urlencode
res = client.post( url, urlencode(payload), headers)

What does 'doesn't work' mean?
Can you install Wireshark and look at the outgoing request and see if it matches what you expect?

you don't provide the scope = "/adict/v1" as in your other screenshot?

same result with scope in headers.

Wireshark doesn't see any request HTTP POST even if I use Postman.
I use filter : http.request.method == “POST”

It works !
My final script :
Don't use httpClient()

import system
import features
from urllib import urlencode
import httplib
clientID = "user"
clientSECRET = "pa$$w0rd"
baseUrl = "mysite.com"
url = "/a/b/access_token"
body = {
headers = {
	'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
	'Authorization': 'Basic xxx'
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(baseUrl)
conn.request("POST", url, urlencode(body), headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
result = system.util.jsonDecode(data.decode("utf-8"))
return result
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With httplib it seems you can't get reponse body with PUT and POST requests.
Do you know an other way ?

Use httpClient with Paul's advice above.