Hello Everyone.
I am looking for a little bit of guidance and some answers on a system I am proposing.
Client has 10 furnaces. History stored in a central SQL database. Recipes are stored in a central SQL database. Current SCADA system and architecture are ancient.
What I want to propose (if I'm understanding Edge correctly) is the following:
Main Ignition Gateway with Vision Unlimited, Tag Historian, and Batch Reports. SQL Database on it's own server. Each furnace will have a panel PC running Edge Panel.
Create gateway network, Configure Edge sync services, and configure client failover on Edge gateway.
During normal operation, furnace clients connect to the main gateway and are able to run furnace, download recipes from SQL, view history, view batch reports.
If Main Gateway fails, we fail over to Edge Client so operators can still operate the furnace, still see trends, but have no access to recipe system or batch reports.
Assume all 10 furnaces use the same set of windows so when accessing the windows, will have a custom parameter for Furnace # and use indirect tags on the windows and for trends.
Should I be able to use client tags to set the Furnace # parameter and how does that work with the failover?
Do I create the tags only on the Edge gateways or do I need tags on Edge gateway AND Main Gateway using remote tag providers
Do I need two sets of the main windows (minus the recipe windows) since the windows on the main gateway would reference the tags differently that when they are running on the Edge client?
When I create trend screens, do I point to the remote tag providers which only give me two weeks or can I point to the DB since I am syncing?
Any insight or lessons learned here would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!