I have an Arduino UNO with an ethernet shield communicating with ignition. I had it working, but when I tried to reconnect the very next day, the status of the device goes from connected to disconnected, and I cannot seem to find what is going on. I have tried rebooting PC, Arduino, different Arduino boards, connected the Arduino as a new device.
sorry for the late response but I got it to work, but I have no idea why it works this way. so turns out in the Arduino script I have to set the initial values after I create the registers and coils.
mb.addHreg(power_Holding); // adding the holding register for power
mb.addHreg(center_Holding); // same for center
mb.addIreg(center_Pot_ir); // inPut register for center pot
mb.addIreg(power_Pot_ir); // inPut register for power pot
mb.addCoil(manual_Coil); // adding the coil for manual control using ignition.
mb.addCoil(disable_Coil); // adding a coil to disable the arduino controls, so to move the motors by hand
stepsinCenter = 0;
stepsinPower = 0;
power = 0;
power_prev = 0;
powertotal = 0;
centertotal= 0;
center = 0; // not sure why the values for each variables need to be called here and not right when creating them back on line 30-34
center_prev = 0;
manual = false; // else the arduino wont have a good connection to ignition. connection will keep dropping.
Enable = false;
powerDir = true;
powerenable = true;
mb.Hreg(power_Holding, power);
mb.Hreg(center_Holding, center);
mb.Ireg(center_Pot_ir, Center_Pot_Val);
mb.Ireg(power_Pot_ir, Power_Pot_Val);
mb.Coil (manual_Coil, manual);
mb.Ireg(disable_Coil, Enable);
Which library are you using ? I am trying to connect UNO via Modbus IP. While Gateway connects to the UNO, I cant seem to link the tag. Always getting bad quality.