Arduino to Modbus, HELP!

I need help with a project I am working on, I am very new to Ignition and python, We have a gauge that needs to be aligned with respect to a string, the gauge outputs its position with respect to the string as center(Y-axis) and power(X-axis). the center(Y-axis) is pretty straight forward, it returns a positive value if the gauge is too far back and a negative value I the gauge is too far forward. unfortunately for the power(X-axis) the gauge only returns positive values as the output signal is a square function.
I am having trouble with two things, one is how to get values from an expression tag into an OPC tag, I am using a SQL query to pull averages of the power(x-axis) and center(y-axis) values from the local database and I want to save it into the OPC tag I created to send it to the Arduino.

2nd problem.
I am having trouble writing the logic to flip the direction in power(x-axis) if the power values get bigger over time. I wanted to write something that will create like a moving average and compare it to the current value and maybe then move the gauge and then waits to check if the power(x-value) got smaller, else it flips the direction of the motor and moves the gauge the other way.

for my setup, I am using an Arduino UNO connected to ignition through Modbus. and the Arduino is connected to two stepper motors

any help would be much appreciated

(forgive my terrible code)

def tensiongaugemovement():
	        import time
			import threading
            import system
            import sys
			# adding Tag paths
			averagepowervalue = "Tension Interface/Status/Average Tension Gauge Power Reading"
			averagecentervalue = "Tension Interface/Status/Average Tension Gauge Fiber Center"
			center_gauge = "Tension_Arduino/Center_Gauge" # this is the center value going to the arduino
			power_gauge = "Tension_Arduino/Power_Gauge"	  # this is the power value going to the arduino 
			center_potentiometer = "Tension_Arduino/Center Potentiometer" # potentiometer value coming from the center
			power_potentiometer = "Tension_Arduino/Power Potentiometer"	# potentiometer value coming from the power
			center = "Tension_Arduino/Center" # current center value, need to pull this data from the local database, average of last 5 mins
			power = "Tension_Arduino/Power"   # same for power
			linespeed = "Line Heater Controllers/Linespeed 1"    #pull in current linespeed
			if (linespeed > 10):
					center_gauge = center 		# send center values to arduino		

					for counter in range(5, 0 , -1):
							average = [long1, long2, long3, long5, long5]
							if (x < len(average)):
									average[x] = averagepowervalue
									x += 1
								power_average = sum(average)/len(average)
								power_gauge = power_average
								x = 0
								counter = 5

					if(power_average - power < 0):
							power_gauge = -power_gauge;                     #flip direction of the motor 
					# do nothing

Thank you


Hey, You will need to call a system.tag.readAll

tags = ["Tags/T1", "Tags/T2", "Tags/T3", "Tags/T4", "Tags/T5"]
values = system.tag.readAll(tags)

Similarly a system.tag.writeAll() to write data

tags = ["Tags/T1", "Tags/T2", "Tags/T3", "Tags/T4", "Tags/T5"]
values = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
values = system.tag.writeAll(tags,values)

Not too sure what the Long1, Long2 etc are doing. But I will encourage that this code run on a gateway event to ensure that is runs all the time and not on a client/session level

Hello Miyanalu,

Thank you for taking the time to help me out.

will system.tag.writeAll() be able to write each tag with five values? I wanted to take a long term average of the power value and then make the motors move. so like how can I make the script wait for the next updated reading?

Thank you


call system.tag.readBlocking(). This can be seen in this manual link.

No problem

Very interesting project, I'm curious on what compelled you to use Ignition with Arduino. Sorry I'm late to the party.