Array/Dataset to a Dataset tag

I am trying to to take an array that i would use for a dataset and use it to push into a dataset tag

Here is the code I am currently running and

data = []
if len(myparams) > 0:
	headers = myparams[0].keys()
	for row in myparams:
		rowdata = []
		for key,value in row.items():
	ds = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers,data)
	event.source.parent.getComponent('Power Table').data = ds

I want to do something like

data = []
if len(myparams) > 0:
	headers = myparams[0].keys()
	for row in myparams:
		rowdata = []
		for key,value in row.items():
	ds = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers,data)
        system.tag.write("tagdata", system.dataset.setValue(ds, row, col, newVal))

Not sure what I am missing.

I am not seeing where you are writing anything to a database. Looks like you are converting a list into a dataset and attempting to write that to a tag.

@josborn Correct, I changed my scope after I started. I had been planning on writing to a SQL table but I can get by just writing to a dataset memory tag. I have edited to match my scope change.

I have a dataset of about 20 columns and 140 rows that I want to move into the dataset tag once a day.

What’s the last line supposed to be doing, its outside of your loop, and the indentation looks wrong. Writing a dataset to a tag is pretty straight forward, why not just system.tag.write("tagdata", ds)

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Welp, I thought I had tried just that but I must have missed something. It worked just as it should.
I thought it should be that straight forward.

The indent wasn’t in my actual code, it was in the right spot.