Ask for help to download the free ignition trial

There is not any button or link in the download page.Could anybody tell me how I can download the free trial?Thanks.

What about this button in the top right corner, where it says: Download Ignition?

When I click the button in the top right corner, Download Ignition。It shows the same page.

Scroll down and choose what installer you machine needs.

I do but find nothing.

There are 24 errors in the page’s script.

Did you try it on a different browser?

I try it with the newest Chrome and IE 11,and I get the same result.

I think that because I am in China,the script from is blocked by the firewall so that the page is abnormal.Could you give me a directly link to download for window 64 bits?

I have resolved the problem.Thanks.

Many Chinese uses are having difficulty in accessing non-Chinese websites. I think, Ignition must have a Chinese version asap.

Thanks for posting this. We’ll look into improving the download experience in China.

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I think, Chinese version of IA university will capture the heart of China.