Ignition 7.6.5rc2 and the associated SDK.
I create a driver based on the AbstractTagDriverExample.
Here are the device parameters :
When created device parameters aren’t correctly saved.
(for example : NumberOfThread)
If I change the value and save again, it’s Ok.
I don’t understand why !!!
I’ve tried to delete device, unload module, restart GW and reload module, recreate device…
Same issue.
RootAddress.Desc=IPv4 addresses beginning (Groups X.Y.Z)<br>[example : 192.168.1].
StartOfAddress.Desc=IPv4 addresses beginning value for the last group<br>[value from 1 to 255].
EndOfAddress.Desc=IPv4 addresses ending value for the last group<br>[value from 1 to 255].
PingTimeOutMs.Desc=Ping TimeOut in Milliseconds
PingPeriodeSec.Desc=Period in Seconds for Ping
NumberOfThread.Desc=Number Of Thread to use to manage ping command<br>[value from 1 to 100].
NumberOfRetry.Desc=Number Of Retry for ping command<br>[value from 1 to 10].
ListOfAddress.Desc=List of IPv4 addresses separated by a comma.<br>[example :,].<br><b>Leave "-" to use StartOfAddress/EndOfAddress parameters</b>
package com.byesapps.driverping.gateway.configuration.settings;
import simpleorm.dataset.SFieldFlags;
import com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.localdb.persistence.Category;
import com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.localdb.persistence.IntField;
import com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.localdb.persistence.LongField;
import com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.localdb.persistence.PersistentRecord;
import com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.localdb.persistence.RecordMeta;
import com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.localdb.persistence.ReferenceField;
import com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.localdb.persistence.StringField;
import com.inductiveautomation.xopc.driver.api.configuration.DeviceSettingsRecord;
* Implements all functionality needed to save a device and its settings in the internal database.
public class ATDDriverSettings extends PersistentRecord {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Needed so that the device record can be saved in the internal database.
public static final RecordMeta<ATDDriverSettings> META =
new RecordMeta<ATDDriverSettings>(ATDDriverSettings.class, "ATDDriverSettings");
* Reference to parent DeviceSettingsRecord: holds items like Device Name setting and Enabled setting.
* These fields also appear in the General category section when creating a new driver in the Gateway.
public static final LongField DEVICE_SETTINGS_ID = new LongField(META, "DeviceSettingsId", SFieldFlags.SPRIMARY_KEY);
* Needed to link a device settings record to the device record in the internal database.
public static final ReferenceField<DeviceSettingsRecord> DEVICE_SETTINGS = new ReferenceField<DeviceSettingsRecord>(
public RecordMeta<?> getMeta() {
return META;
* Settings specific to the ATDDriver- each one must be placed in a Category.
//public static final IntField TAG_COUNT = new IntField(META, "TagCount", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY);
public static final StringField ROOTADDRESS = new StringField(META, "RootAddress", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY);
public static final IntField STARTOFADDRESS = new IntField(META, "StartOfAddress", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY);
public static final IntField ENDOFADDRESS = new IntField(META, "EndOfAddress", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY);
public static final IntField PINGTIMEOUTMS = new IntField(META, "PingTimeOutMs", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY);
public static final IntField PINGPERIODESEC = new IntField(META, "PingPeriodeSec", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY);
public static final IntField NUMBEROFTHREAD = new IntField(META, "NumberOfThread", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY);
public static final IntField NUMBEROFRETRY = new IntField(META, "NumberOfRetry", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY);
public static final StringField LISTOFADDRESS = new StringField(META, "ListOfAddress", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY);
* Categories specific to the ATDDriver- each category appears below the General
* category in the Gateway when creating a new driver.
* In this case, the displayKey below is referencing ATDDriverSettings.properties,
* which is located next to the Java file on the file system. You must put the actual
* category name into this file.
* The order number determines the order in which multiple categories are displayed on the page.
public static final Category EXAMPLE_CATEGORY =
new Category("ATDDriverSettings.DriverPingCategory", 1001).include(
static {
// Hides some generic ReferenceField settings that are not needed in our driver example.
* Get the number of tags that will be exposed to the driver
* @return an int with the saved tag count
// public int getTagCount(){
// return getInt(TAG_COUNT);
// }
// /**
// * Set the number of tags that will be exposed to the driver
// * @param tagCount an int that represents the tag count to save
// */
// public void setTagCount(int tagCount){
// setInt(TAG_COUNT, tagCount);
// }
public void setListOfAddress(String listOfAddress){
if (listOfAddress.isEmpty()){
listOfAddress = "-";
setString(LISTOFADDRESS, listOfAddress);
public String getListOfAddress(){
if (getString(LISTOFADDRESS).isEmpty()){
return "-";
} else {
return getString(LISTOFADDRESS);
public void setRootAddress(String racineAdresse){
setString(ROOTADDRESS, racineAdresse);
public String getRootAddress(){
return getString(ROOTADDRESS);
public int getStartOfAddress(){
return getInt(STARTOFADDRESS);
public void setStartOfAddress(int debutAdresse){
if ((debutAdresse < 1) || (debutAdresse > 255)) {
// if (debutAdresse > getEndOfAddress()) {
// debutAdresse = getEndOfAddress();
// } else {
// debutAdresse = 1;
// }
debutAdresse = 1;
setInt(STARTOFADDRESS, debutAdresse);
public int getEndOfAddress(){
return getInt(ENDOFADDRESS);
public void setEndOfAddress(int finAdresse){
if ((finAdresse < 1) || (finAdresse > 255)) {
finAdresse = 1;
setInt(ENDOFADDRESS, finAdresse);
public void setPingTimeOutMs(int pingTimeOutMs){
if ((pingTimeOutMs < 200) || (pingTimeOutMs > 60000)) {
pingTimeOutMs = 2000;
setInt(PINGTIMEOUTMS, pingTimeOutMs);
public int getPingTimeOutMs(){
return getInt(PINGTIMEOUTMS);
public void setPingPeriodeSec(int pingPeriodeSec){
if ((pingPeriodeSec < 1) || (pingPeriodeSec > 3600)) {
pingPeriodeSec = 30;
setInt(PINGPERIODESEC, pingPeriodeSec);
public int getPingPeriodeSec(){
return getInt(PINGPERIODESEC);
public void setNumberOfThread(int numberOfThread){
if ((numberOfThread < 1) || (numberOfThread > 100)) {
numberOfThread = 1;
setInt(NUMBEROFTHREAD, numberOfThread);
public int getNumberOfThread(){
return getInt(NUMBEROFTHREAD);
public void setNumberOfRetry(int numberOfRetry){
if ((numberOfRetry < 1) || (numberOfRetry > 10)) {
numberOfRetry = 1;
setInt(NUMBEROFRETRY, numberOfRetry);
public int getNumberOfRetry(){
return getInt(NUMBEROFRETRY);