Auto approval of EAM agent on EAM Controller

I am trying to auto approve EAM agents on the EAM controller. Can someone tell me what Java classes are used to approve the EAM agent ? also, I can’t seem to find the list of agents connected to the controller in the internal db, where can I find the list of agents and their respective status?

Thank you in advance

Here is a list of classes used in 8.1.20: All Classes
I tried to search for classes related to EAM agents, but I fell short. Maybe you will have better luck finding the correct class than I did.

Also, have you taken a look at the REMOTEAGENT table in the IDB? That one should list “agent approval status and their associated groups”.


Does anyone know what method is called when approve is clicked? And can this functionality be replicated via scripting?

I find EAM mentioned here:



Perhaps this will help you find what you are looking for

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