While working on a project, I want to introduce the functionality that users get automatically logged out after x amount of time inactivity. I have introduced a logout button with the script "system.perspective.logout()" that works.
Also i have added a custom session property "lastActivity : 0" and a onMouseMove script
"def runAction(self, event):
import time
self.session.custom.lastActivity = int(time.time())"
in the root containers of the views to recognise if someone is active.
I need to know if this sill even work and a script that makes the auto log-out possible... Also, where do i best implement this script? Under Gateway Event Scripts > Timer or Session Events Script > Startup?
If you need custom logic outside of the options given in the project properties, you should add a change script to the lastActivity session property:
That would allow you to directly invoke a script that does whatever you want.
But only do this if you actually have to do something more complicated than the options in the project properties.