Auto log-out in perspective

While working on a project, I want to introduce the functionality that users get automatically logged out after x amount of time inactivity. I have introduced a logout button with the script "system.perspective.logout()" that works.

Also i have added a custom session property "lastActivity : 0" and a onMouseMove script

"def runAction(self, event):
import time
self.session.custom.lastActivity = int(time.time())"

in the root containers of the views to recognise if someone is active.

I need to know if this sill even work and a script that makes the auto log-out possible... Also, where do i best implement this script? Under Gateway Event Scripts > Timer or Session Events Script > Startup?

Thanks in advance!!

Have you tried using the settings provided in the project's properties?


Thank you! The activity detection works on MouseClick but i'm guessing the detection based on mouse movement works with a script?

Welcome to the forum, Kain. For future posts please see Wiki - how to post code on this forum.

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If you need custom logic outside of the options given in the project properties, you should add a change script to the lastActivity session property:

That would allow you to directly invoke a script that does whatever you want.
But only do this if you actually have to do something more complicated than the options in the project properties.