Auto Refresh Binding

I have a table component on a perspective view and created a query binding to the data of the component.'

I want to create a radio group called "Auto Refresh" with the values of "On" and "Off". When "On" is selected, I want it to refresh the table component every 60 seconds automatically. How can this be done?

I thought about a gateway timer script but that applies to the overall environment rather than a particular user running a page in their session. I thought about using polling but I have multiple transform steps after the query. So, I want to refresh the whole binding. Also, I didn't a way to dynamically turn the polling off.

Any ideas on how to solve this problem?

I would use an Expression binding with "now(60000)" and a Script Transform. Then, if your auto-refresh toggle is true, you can use system.db.runNamedQuery(), return the results and apply further Transforms.

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Regarding the binding: you can't enable or disable it programmatically. It has been discussed several times. See Dynamic Enable / Disable Perspective Query Binding?, for example.

Regarding your radio group: I suggest that it's the wrong component for the job. You're setting a boolean so use either a Toggle Switch component or a Checkbox component as would be done on mobile phone apps, etc. Your users know how they work!

Radio group
Radio group

Toggle switch

Toggle switch.

Less cluttered and you save on real-estate.

Thanks. It worked perfectly!

Great suggestion. The toggle switch is a much better option.

A workaround assuming that you're using a Query Binding (and that I've convinced you to use a toggle switch):

Never again

 	3, 			// Every 3 s
 	32000000    // "Never again!"

Set the Never Again value to more seconds than your server could stay running or enough to get you past retirement. I didn't bother to work it out.

No script - just an expression!

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