Automatic navigation after 5 seconds

Hi ,

I have a landing page while launch, i would like to navigate to another page after 5 seconds automatically. how to achieve this in perspective?

Thanks in advance

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This thread seems similar:

I feel like the simplest solution that doesn't use sleep would be like this solution from the thread @justinedwards.jle linked.

I wrote up a little example that adapts it to this use case.
I set up two views, one as my landing page and one as the second page.

On the landing page, in the root container, I set up some custom props, redirect_timer and redirect_at

The top prop, redirect_timer, is bound to the expression now(1000) to update once a second. If you want a more precise delay, you could change the 1000 to a smaller number.

I also set up an onStartup Script event action on the root container:

def runAction(self):
	self.custom.redirect_at =, 5)

This makes sure that as soon as the page loads, the target time is set up for 5 seconds from now.

In the meantime, the prop redirect_timer also has a change script on it:

def valueChanged(self, previousValue, currentValue, origin, missedEvents):
	if, self.custom.redirect_at):

This will call the navigate action once our current time has passed our target time.