I'm wondering if anyone can help with a problem I've been having. I'm using Ignition 8.1 and Vision.
I have Ignition set up to monitor PLC tags from a production machine. Of these tags, I am historically trending a "Machine_Running" tag. This tag is either 0 (not running) or 1 (running).
I am using this tag to determine machine uptime (avialability) during a specific product timeframe. To do this I am providing a start / end time and tag name into the queryTagHistory() function. See below for script I am using:
value = 0
startTime = '2022-07-14 19:26:10.260' #Start time of product.
endTime = '2022-07-18 07:05:40.067' #End time of product.dataSet = system.tag.queryTagHistory(paths=['machine running'], startDate=startTime, endDate=endTime, returnSize=1, aggregationMode="Average", returnFormat='Wide')
#Get value from returned dataset.
value = dataSet.getValueAt(0,1)#Write the average value to the text field.
event.source.text = str(value)
The script above outputs an uptime / availability of 0.713 (71.3%).
The problem I am getting is that the value returned does not match the true uptime / availability throughout this timeframe.
If I plot the uptime on a graph between these 2 times then I get the following:
You can see above that the "machine running" value is zero for over half of the time. Therefore availability should be much lower (I'd estimate 30-40%).
I think what's happening is the queryTagHistory is just getting the last historically stored tag value. I have set the tag history properties to only record on a tag change ("maximum time between samples" is set to zero.) Therefore, it is calculating the average value as if the endDate was at the last tag change (around 2022-07-15 23:35:00), so it is ignoring the latter part of the graph where the value remains at zero.
Is there a way I can adjust the above script so that the last section of the graph where the value remains at zero is captured?
I believe I could lessen the impact of this by setting a value in "maximum time between samples". However I am trying to avoid this method as I don't want to have unnecessary data points being recorded.
If there is way to manually insert historian data then this might be a viable option as I could trigger an extra historian row to be inserted at the same time as the product is ended.
I thought about manually inserting data into the sqlt_data table but didn't think it was a good idea to mess around with that.
Any help you can provide is very much appreciated.
Many Thanks.