Avoiding overriding parent properties

Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to create UDT instances then change the parameter value of the parent property without it showing in the tag browser that you are overriding the parent property?

Trying to wrap my mind around this...

Why? What problem are you trying to solve?

(Asking because I don't think you can get the designer to lie to the user of the designer.)

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I probably phrased or asked the wrong question. What I meant is how can I create, for example, 10 instances of a data type each having a different parameter value without manually changing it in the tag editor when being created?

If the values are simple sequences, then the udt instance creation wizard should suffice. Otherwise, you should script the creation. system.tag.configure() takes a list of jython dictionaries with the details.

I've found it most reliable to simply use scripted tag writes to set UDT parameters after creation--getting those to work within system.tag.configure() seems to be somewhat limited.

The question is, how would you want to set them up?

Personally, I use Excel with a specific table format, copy the table, and run it through a script which coverts it into tag json back into the clipboard, then I paste it into ignition. Then I can review it if I want to prior to importing. I like acting on the clipboard as well as it saves time writing to and finding files

If you're doing the core cert and you're not sure if the UDTs instances parameters should or should not be overridden: Yes, they should.
The prompt does say "no overrides" or something like this, but it doesn't apply to parameters.

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Can you please explain it further, how to do, override parameter option are not allows for any instances

I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to say, so I won't explain anything, but... There's really nothing to explain.
The override limitation is for tags themselves, not UDTs parameters. You CAN'T change an instance parameter without overriding the UDT's default.

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