Background color of all pages


I would like to change the background color of all my pages to white instead light grey.

I tried with

body {
background-color: #f0f0f0;

on the stylesheet.css but is not working

Any ideas welcome

White would be #ffffff, not #f0f0f0.

  • Launch your project and use your browser's Development Tools (F12).
  • Use the Inspection Tool (top left on the Developer toolbar) and click the page background.
  • In the Styles tab you will find the following:
.ia_container--root {
    background-color: var(--containerRoot);

You could hard-code your #ffffff or white in there but I recommend that you use a built-in theme color such as --neutral-10 which is very close to white but will adjust automatically if you change your theme.


white --white will turn to black in dark mode fwiw, although I wouldn't ever recommend using pure white or black


That's the idea.

They're not in the built-in themes.

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the word "white" is an in build css color, that turns to black in darkmode (depending on some things, which i dont know if perspective did, cant test atm)


They are, although I think the theme ones area actually --white and --black. Using just white and black will use the standard css colours which may not change with the theme


its possible for it to auto change with themes, but it requires someextra config, which perspective probably didnt do since they have their own colors.


Yes, thanks for the help!
For a white background is probably a good idea to set up the starting theme as light to don´t mess with all themes preconfiguration. Looking for a way to do this. Cheers.

If there is no theme selector in your application then there is no problem.

If there is or was a theme selector then something like this:

now(0) will fire once when the application is loaded.
The transform ignores the now() and just returns "light".

I think there is a simpler way but I can't remember right now.


Thanks Transistor! will try this!

You can just return light as a string in the expression binding, no need for the now