BACNET - add Schedule for a remote Device

Hi @Kevin.Herron,

We would like to be able to add schedule object to a remote bacnet device with Ignition Bacnet driver.

To my mind, Bacnet schedule has to be to read or write when requested by a user demand.

So, is there a way to do this with ignition script with import of objects from the stack (bacnet4J) used in the Ignition bacnet driver ?

As a feature request, some script functions exposed by the Ignition Bacnet driver to R/W bacnet object properties not exposed as tags or bacnet objects not supported now could be a huge addition !

(As a side note : Being able to manage schedule object in the bacnet local device is not usefull)

I think that @gnguyen and @austral have some similar needs too for the bacnet driver.

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Yes, BACnet without scheduler and calendar object is a nonsense in BMS project.

I’ve written up a ticket to explore the idea of “readRaw” and “writeRaw” scripting functions that would let you read/write any object/property using types from the BACnet library directly.

I’m not sure about the timeline or feasibility yet but at least there’s a ticket now :slight_smile:


:+1:That would be awesome !

Hi @Kevin.Herron, any progress about this ticket ?