Bacnet /IP device - Uninitialized - Segment did not fit in segment window

Hi ,
I am configuring bacnet device on my Ignition gateway, and the staus becomes Uninitialized after it's initializing... for a few seconds.
I do the ping check , network seems fine.
I tried with other software to communicate with my bacnet device, it read data successfully.
Can someone help to understand where I did wrong when setup.

Here's some logs and screenshots of my configuration.

Ignition Logs:


Logger Time Message
RequestUtils 06Nov2023 11:25:21 Chunked request failed.
RequestUtils 06Nov2023 11:25:20 Chunked request failed.
DefaultTransport 06Nov2023 11:25:15 Segment did not fit in segment window: segment=2, first=3, windowSize=1, key=Key(address=Address [networkNumber=13, macAddress=[1]], linkService=[c0,a8,1,e9,ba,c0], invokeId=54, fromServer=true)
DefaultTransport 06Nov2023 11:25:13 Segment did not fit in segment window: segment=2, first=3, windowSize=1, key=Key(address=Address [networkNumber=13, macAddress=[1]], linkService=[c0,a8,1,e9,ba,c0], invokeId=50, fromServer=true)
DefaultTransport 06Nov2023 11:25:12 Segment did not fit in segment window: segment=2, first=3, windowSize=1, key=Key(address=Address [networkNumber=13, macAddress=[1]], linkService=[c0,a8,1,e9,ba,c0], invokeId=54, fromServer=true)
DefaultTransport 06Nov2023 11:25:11 Segment did not fit in segment window: segment=2, first=3, windowSize=1, key=Key(address=Address [networkNumber=13, macAddress=[1]], linkService=[c0,a8,1,e9,ba,c0], invokeId=50, fromServer=true)
DefaultTransport 06Nov2023 11:25:09 Segment did not fit in segment window: segment=2, first=3, wi

Here's my configuration and efforts I have done to debug the issue:

Local device:

OPC Device:

PING Check:

Other software(Bacnetscan) to validate the communication:

Another software Yabe to test the communication:

**Can anyone suggest what else I should do to address the issue. **

Thanks in advance.

Try changing your bind address to in your local device settings. You might have to disable COV on the device settings if your device doesn't support that.

I have disabled COV , and change bind address from machine IP address to, still it's unitialized .

But when I am using other software connection to test it , it works quite good, only Igniton does .

Meanwhile, I also use netstat -anon|findstr 47808 to make sure the port is not accupied after I have closed 3rd party software when debug.

Have been spending months on this , can anyone give guidance.