Bad Quality on tag to L73 processor

I can select tag from my online processor but they have no values, and listed as Bad Quality. I've tried several types of tags and I've tried different processors, one at version 20 and another at version 32. Same results. How can I troubleshoot this?

Look in Studio 5000 for the "External Access" setting on those tags.

Also make sure you are using the right driver for the firmware version. (The "ControlLogix" driver is the wrong one when you have the last version of v20 firmware, or anything v21 or later.)

Hello Phil,

The External Access is set to Read/Write and I am using the Allen-Bradley Logix Driver (Please see screenshots below). My program(s) are at versions 33 and 35.


Look at your driver diagnostics page. Are you badly overloaded?

If you go to that tag in your designer, and run diagnostics on it, what do you get?


Thanks for your assistance on this. The tag diagnostics looked good (see screenshot below)except for the “Is Leased” member which was false. On the driver diagnostics I viewed the diagnostic tags (see screenshot below), and nothing stud out to me.


So, no UI is looking at that tag, and its in a leased tag group that falls back to rate=0. That means Ignition won't even try to read it.

Bind the tag to some UI to make it leased, and it will likely start working.

(The designer's tag browser does not trigger the lease on tags.)

Hello Phil,

I bonded the tag to a numeric entry. It now shows as leased, but still has a bad value. See screenshot below. I created another tag using the same gateway to the same processor, but it is looking at a device tag and it reads good. The tag looking at the controller tag has a bad value. See screenshots below. I was able to browse to both tags. What is the difference? Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.


Carleton Brown

Leased tag shows with Bad value:

Tag with bad value:

Tag with good value:

Diagnostic tags are generated in the driver by Ignition--they don't rely on any actual communications over your network. So not a meaningful comparison.

Try other tags under "Controller:Global". Are they all broken? If so, perhaps a wireshark capture is in order.

Consider trying my alternate driver, for comparison. If it works, and IA's native driver does not, you may have a bug to report to IA support. (This forum is not support.)

My bet is that the External Access is not set correctly.

The loggers under drivers.LogixDriver.Requests on DEBUG level might tell you more.

Oh, and make sure it's not something silly like an expired trial.