Badge Authentication in Ignition Vision Client Using RFID Scanner

I'm setting up a Vision Client where users log in via RFID badge authentication. The goal is to keep them logged in while their badge is continuously read and log them out when removed.

I believe I can read the badge using system.serial.port(), but I’m stuck on authenticating the badge in Ignition. I am using an AD/Database Hybrid user source. Does Ignition provide any mechanism that I could use to authenticate the badge read with the user source to keep the user logged in?

To Login in to Vision with just a badge you need to use an Identity Provider with badge support turned on. And that authentication is delegated to the IdP's web page, which won't have access to the serial port for the badge.

There doesn't appear to be a badge option for classic authentication.

Vision's other authentication functions expect username & password for a User Source, not for an Identity Provider. You cannot use nor with IdP authentication.

You may have to maintain a single "Badged" user for all badge logins and manage that in a separate database. I don't see any other way to deal with a serial-connected badge reader that you can check for removals.

Thank you for your response.
We'd like to keep the auth strategy to classic because a lot of features within our vision clients depend on those authentication functions. User's will login using their regular credentials, and that's fine.

I'm assuming we can still do a polling read of a serial-connected badge reader using the method you described since that would be independently managed in a separate database.

Yes. That is the key.