Bar Chart (stacked) - How to hide labels if they equal zero

Title pretty much says it. I have a bar chart that has several stacked bars and “they” want the labels to show, however, several of those bars have a value of 0 (zero). Anyone happen to know a way to hide a value of zero on a label on the Bar Chart? I have a feeling this will end up being an import of jfree libraries to access the chart from that side, but unsure how to go about it.

Any help would be great.


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[code]from org.jfree.chart.labels import StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator

class myLabelGenerator(StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator):
def generateLabel(self,dataset,series, category):
value = dataset.getValue(series,category)
if value == 0:
return None
return str(int(value))

chart = event.source.parent.getComponent(‘Bar Chart’).getChart()
plot = chart.getPlot()
renderer = plot.getRenderer()


Hi @jpark
What if I want to use StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator(String labelFormat, NumberFormat formatter) instead of just the default StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator() that only takes in on argument, how would that work here? I want to change the format of the text and I somehow could not figure it out to save my life… :cry:

I want to use {“2”} as the label format and either “#,#0.00” or “0” for the number format depending on a if else statement.

if I use StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator("{2}", DecimalFormat("XXX")) it works like a charm but I cant get it to work when I try to pass the different Number formating.

You should be able to modify the subclass to use an explicit constructor (Jython’s __init__ auto-magically wraps Java constructors, even overloaded ones):

class myLabelGenerator(StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator):
	def __init__(self, labelFormat, formatter):
		super().__init__(labelFormat, formatter)
	def generateLabel(self,dataset,series, category):	
		value = dataset.getValue(series,category)	
		if value == 0:
			return None
			return str(int(value))

Then use it with your label/formatter as expected:
renderer.setItemLabelGenerator(myLabelGenerator('{"2"}', myNumberFormatter))

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