I’ve built a template for a bar chart component that displays historical data for either the day, month, or year. My issue is that for some reason the Bar Chart component doesn’t update it’s .data property when the the parameters used in its property expression changes.
For clarity, I’m using a runScript() expression to fetch historical information to display in the chart, based on the selection made in a Tab Strip component. Changes made to the Tab Strip doesn’t result in the Bar Chart running the script again.
In my search for a solution I’ve defined three separate custom properties, each one (pre)-fetching one of the possible datasets I may need to display, and then using a Case() property expression in the Bar Chart to select between them. The data fetches correctly, and the Bar Chart shows whichever one is the default, but once again, changes to the Tab Strip doesn’t update the data based on the simple property expression statement.
I’m currently using three (!) separate Bar Charts, each one fetching data for one of the three possible time periods, and then binding the .visible property to the selection of the Tab Strip. Strangely, the Bar Chart honors the logic in the .visible property, while ignoring the same logic in its .data property.
Any ideas where I’m going wrong with this?
Kind regards,