Better way to find classes in javadocs? -and an orphan class

I’m writing the initialization code for a module. Finding the class in the SDK javadocs is not a simple matter. Where, for example, would one expect to find SRConnection?

(Aside: I had to find the path to SRConnection in order to import the class, even if I had no interest in the documentation itself. The only way I know to discover the path is to look in the javadocs tree.)

After poking around in the javadocs index without success, I resorted to a grep search of the javadocs folder. It takes about a minute to search the folder tree the first time. There are 27 html files that contain the string SRConnection. Near the end of the list I saw SRConnection.html. So the whole exercise took several minutes, including poke-around time. Not good.

Is there a better way to find classes in the javadocs?

I also need documentation for the DBTableSchema class. Same thing–spend a minute or two looking though the index, give up and run grep. In this case, DBTableSchema.html is an orphan. DBTableSchema does not appear in the class list on the page for com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.db.schema. I had to drill down to the subfolder in File Explorer and double-click on DBTableSchema.html to open the document page.

[quote=“xasga”]I’m writing the initialization code for a module. Finding the class in the SDK javadocs is not a simple matter. Where, for example, would one expect to find SRConnection?[/quote]When I open the javadocs, the lower left pane is all classes and interfaces in alphabetical order. It took me two seconds to find SRConnection.[quote=“xasga”](Aside: I had to find the path to SRConnection in order to import the class, even if I had no interest in the documentation itself. The only way I know to discover the path is to look in the javadocs tree.)[/quote]If you just type SRConnection.whatever in your IDE, does is not offer to help you import it? In Eclipse I usually just hit ctrl-shift-O and “poof”, it just fixes all my imports, with a pop-up if there’s any ambiguity.
… trim …

[quote=“xasga”]I also need documentation for the DBTableSchema class.[/quote]Shows up in the lower left pane of the javadocs for me. Took me two more seconds to find it.


I saw that long list, didn't know it was all classes in the entire SDK. I clicked on a likely was all downhill from there.

I see the "All Classes" link at the top of the upper left panel. So now I know how to get back to the full list when I need it.


I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and Maven. IDEA behaves oddly. When I typed the declaration for the SRConnection variable, it complained that it could not resolve SRConnection. After I found the path, and typed the import for the class, IDEA still said it could not resolve SRConnection. But, in the import statement I could see that the IDE recognized the path to the jar--it just did not recognize the class in the jar. I finally figured out that I had to add the jar as a dependency in the maven pom file.