Binding flex repeater values to columns of a named query

In Ignition designer, I have a named query with 3 columns and each column has only 1 entry/row with a numeric value. How do I bind a label present in a flex repeater to each column such that the label shows the number in whichever column is bound to it?

If there's only one row, you should be able to grab the first row with a subscript ([0]) then loop through that row to extract the columns.
Try this:

instances_data = [
		'param': val
	} for val in system.db.runNamedQuery(your_named_query)[0]

Change 'param' to whatever is your instances parameter name.

This should work with any number of columns.
If there's a chance the query doesn't return any data, you'll have add a check. Something like this:

data = system.db.runQuery(q)
if data.rowCount > 0:
	instances_data = [
			'value': x
		} for x in data[0]

Got it. Thank you!