Binding table row to alarm label


I am trying to come up with a better way then manually entering thousands of alarm labels into the alarming setup. What I have is a UDT setup with 40 DINT’s. The DINT’s are tied to tags in AB processors. They are setup using bit level alarming. These bits are used to log alarms into the alarm journal. I have the alarming display path bound to the label. Right now I am overriding each bit and copying in the alarm message that shows up on the production lines HMI into the label. This then shows in the alarm journal the exact same message the operators on the floor sees. This all works great but I don’t like overriding the original UDT to put the alarm label in. I would like to have a table that is stored under the lines tag folder that contains all the alarm messages for that line. Then bind this table row by row to the bit level label in the alarm setup. Anyone know if this is even possible to do?? Attached is a picture as reference to one of the alarms. This is my first project with Ignition so still learning. We are using version 7.9.16.

Yep, you can certainly use a memory tag holding a dataset, and lookup a value in it in an alarm property binding.

This is in 8 so it looks a bit different.


Alarm tag binding:

{[.]Alarm Descriptions}
,toint(replace({name},'Alarm', '')) // you may need quotes around the {name} in v7, I can't remember


Alarm Descriptions dataset:




Thanks a lot that is exactly what I need! Just one more thing how can I add indirection to the dataset I am searching through. I have tried a few different ways but it does not like it. I have it working without indirection but in order to follow the scheme of the program I really need to be able to point to another tag folder that will have another table of faults for different lines. Attached is a picture. I need where it says Nano to be able to point to the different tag folders in the tag browser on the left of the picture.

I got it figured out. I just used the whole UDT parameter for the dataset in the lookup. Then put the whole tag path in the UDT instances. I was trying to make it harder than it need to be hahaha.

You can use [.] to use a relative reference. See in my post how I used this to refer to the Alarm Descriptions dataset tag within the same folder. You can get to parent folder tags using [.]../TagInParentFolder. You can stack these as well: [.]../../../TagInGrandGrandParentFolder