Perspective MAP ExpressionStructure binding with ScriptTransform containg system.db.runNamedQuery() still works after NamedQuery moved to different folder or renamed
Hi everyone
I am currently working on a project where I built a perspective map with a lot of interactions on poligons and views
For almost all of them I use bindings where I built scripts that populate all elements of the specific array.
for example|: Map.PROPS.layers.vector.polygon[2].polygons has a binding that creates the array elements
All my scripts works fine, but:
system.db.runNamedQuery('/,<>queryparameters) still works after NamedQuery moved or renamed
the option of Cache Query Results is disabled and was never enabled yet while under development
can anyone advise why after renaming the Named Query or moving it to another folder ALL the bindings with ExpressionStructure and Script transofrm (that contains the system.db.runNamedQuery) still works both in Designer RunMode and web browser?
Even in Edit Binding: Map.props.vector.polygon[2].polygons the browsing preview or the script has no errors or warnings when the namedQuery is no longer there.
My problem is that I intentionally renamed and moved to different folders some NamedQueryes, and even if I do not change the scripts with runNamedQuery in the bindings, the project still works.
For cases where my binding type is with retur formt , in the edit binding I see a red X near the path and the BindingPreview shows . But even in this case, the array with defective binding still works as nothing changed and repopulates with more or fewer elements as I interact with the map elements.
Looks like as if in this case (when using bindings with NamedQueryes), the bindings scripts does not change until they are valid and somehow it remembers the last working binding. But ihis does not explain how it remembers all the results from the NamedQuery with all of its parameters that chahge with each interaction.
Even more!:
The bindings where I use ExpressionStructure binding with ScriptTransform the system.db.runNamedQuery() is called in a for loop with changing parameters, and in that loop I use another for loop with another runNamedQuery() that calls a different NemedQuery also with changing parameters. And after renaming or moving one or both NamedQueryes the project still works without any Cache Query Results enebled.
I use ex: self.getSibling("Map").refreshBinding("props.layers.vector.polygon[2].polygons") around the project with sucess, but when I rename or move NamedQuertes, even if I fire the events containg refreshBinding() nothing happens and the project still works, and I get no error mesaages even in designer (I noticed that if I make some script mistakes(not related to NamedQueryes), I get error messages only in designer when the script tryes to fire. in the browser however broken scripts simply does not run without any notifications(probably remote errors can be enabled, but that's not the subject in this post))