Broken optimistic lock

Hi !

While developing a gateway module I have this problem :
I am unable to modify the “first” item of the device properties. When I try a get a “broken optimistic lock error”.
I can modify other properties, but this one I cannot, even if the device in not enabled.

The properties is defined as
public static final StringField USER = new StringField (META, “User”, SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY); /**< User name META data. */ in the device setting class.

It is not the exactly the first property as the first property is DEVICE_SETTINGS_ID a long int that is the primary key, but that does not belong to any category, So USER is the first property of the only category.

Thanks for your help !

It seems the problem is due to the database field name : “User”.
Once it has been changed to UserName it works properly.

public static final StringField USER = new StringField (META, “[color=#FF0000]UserName[/color]”, SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY); /**< User name META data. */ in the device setting class.

For my point of view it is solved, but i’m still curious about the reason why a ‘User’ field lead to such problem.