Browser log in page unable to load, when launching test project in Ignition Designer

I am having issues when trying to launch my project within Ignition Designer, (through Tools>Launch Project>Windowed or Full Screen).
The issue being I am trying to test and view the changes I have done. However the project loads to the white log in page, I press the blue log in button (which usually directs me to Firefox for me to log into), whoever it loads and does nothing, the log in page will not load no matter how many times I try, this prevents the project from opening. I have 3 main projects on Ignition Designer Launcher I use, this issue occurs with two of them.
I have already tried;

  • Uninstalling the designer launcher and reinstalling it.
  • Deleting the server and re-adding it.
  • Updating the launcher to the newest version.
  • Clearing my .ignition cache.
  • Clearing my Java cache.
  • Reconnecting to the gateway log in/adjusting some of my gateway settings.

I am unsure what else I can do in order to get the windowed test project to load, so hoping this is the best place to ask. :slight_smile: Thanks in advance

have you checked your security settings?
Under Project Properties in the designer, you can find the security settings

I would then go to the gateway and check on the Identity Provider and the User Source to make sure you have it setup properly. Sometimes If you are using a gateway backup for example from a site that has a LDAP setup and you do not have access it can not be happy. If you know the security works wherever else this was running you can change the above settings for development and then revert them before returning to production.

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Thank you! Works fine now, I'm not too sure how it changed as it was working one day and the next it wast - but this is exactly what Ive been looking for :slight_smile:

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