[Bug-12800]Gateway Status Pages not loading

Multiple gateway status pages are loading as blank pages. Gateway Scripts and Devices seem to never load. Other pages load only sometimes for example, Execution seems to be loading only after I view the pages in the following order Vision Clients, Logs, then Execution. I updated my gateway this morning to b201902702, but I noticed this yesterday as well.

What OS are you using to VIEW these pages? We’ve encountered this on Ubuntu 18.10 (and we’re working on it), but if you’re using something else we should examine that OS as well.

This is on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter as well as Windows 10 Pro. I am viewing the pages in Chrome and Firefox.

I’ll make a note on the existing ticket that you’re encountering this on those Operating Systems.

Just to be clear, you’re using Chrome and Firefox to View Status pages on a Windows Server 2016 machine as well as a Windows 10 Pro machine, correct? Do you happen to have a Mac workstation you could use to view the same pages? I only ask because we had been investigating the issue as if it was specific to viewing the pages while on a Linux-backed browser. If you experience the same issue on Widows machines and a Mac, then we need to expand our investigation.

On the Windows Server 2016 machine I only have chrome locally and firefox and chrome remotely and the pages do not load. On the windows 10 Pro Machine I have Firefox which does not work, however I just checked with chrome and it loaded correctly. I don’t have a Mac, but when I try to load the gateway on the Windows 10 Pro Machine using an iPhone with Safari the pages are hit or miss. I can click on the same page multiple times and sometimes it loads, sometimes it does not.

Are you seeing any errors in the browser console? Any messages about certain things being undefined?

chrome has the following in the console.

react-dom.js:105 TypeError: Cannot read property ‘resetCrumbs’ of undefined
at new t.BreadcrumbTitle (IgnitionReact-ver-6235F37C60C3F2A28BBAC283D03DEA97.js:6)
at Bf (react-dom.js:70)
at Of (react-dom.js:88)
at rh (react-dom.js:100)
at fg (react-dom.js:126)
at gg (react-dom.js:126)
at xc (react-dom.js:139)
at ha (react-dom.js:138)
at Md (react-dom.js:136)
at Da (react-dom.js:134)
Rf @ react-dom.js:105
react-dom.js:138 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘resetCrumbs’ of undefined
at new t.BreadcrumbTitle (IgnitionReact-ver-6235F37C60C3F2A28BBAC283D03DEA97.js:6)
at Bf (react-dom.js:70)
at Of (react-dom.js:88)
at rh (react-dom.js:100)
at fg (react-dom.js:126)
at gg (react-dom.js:126)
at xc (react-dom.js:139)
at ha (react-dom.js:138)
at Md (react-dom.js:136)
at Da (react-dom.js:134)
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://localhost:8088/web/status/gateway-breadcrumb.js.map
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://localhost:8088/web/status/twotiermenu.js.map
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://localhost:8088/web/status/trialbar.js.map
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://localhost:8088/web/status/system_performance.js.map

Firefox has the below:

onmozfullscreenchange is deprecated. es5shim.min.js:6:11034

onmozfullscreenerror is deprecated. es5shim.min.js:6:11034

Source map error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: http://localhost:8088/res/sys/js/es5shim.min.js Source Map URL: es5-shim.map[Learn More]

TypeError: “window.__breadcrumbStore is undefined”


TypeError: window.__breadcrumbStore is undefined[Learn More]

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Okay, that’s consistent with what we’ve seen.

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Seeing this after install of the 02/28/2019 nightly.

If I repeatedly click on the link to the page, it will eventually show up.

Same console errors.

If it helps, I am seeing very similar console messages and same intermittent behavior of Status windows on Centos 7 with Firefox. Seeing this with the 20190302 nightly build. When I go back to the 20190213 nightly build, I am not seeing this problem.

Thanks! It actually has nothing to do with the OS or browser. It’s more of a race condition between rendered HTML DOM. We have a fix currently in the pipeline awaiting merge. Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue. -Yousuf

Starting back on the 4th for me the gateway webpages stopped loading properly in Firefox and Chrome. Of all things, they seem to load great in Edge. The most offending pages are Config-Licensing, Status-OPC Connections, Status-Logs, and Status-Execution. No project is necessary, just install fresh then click around.
Tested on Windows Server 2012R2 and Windows 10 just now. Build b2019030702

Just click wildly on different links in the gateway website and some will not load any content aside from the license count down timer up top and side bar. Sometimes if you keep clicking they will load. See screenshot below.

A fix has been merged and should be available in the next build. -Yousuf

Still having this issue on Windows Server 2012 R2 with ignition version 8.0.10
It's also not possible to reset the trial (the bar is not visible at all)

This is from the browsers console:

It is only when i open the browser remotely and not with an rdp connection.

This seems like your browser/reverse proxy/firewall/something else between you and the gateway is simply not allowing any javascript to download.