[BUG-13815] Popups overlays v8.0.2

I converted an application from v7.9.10 to v8.0.2. When ever I open a popup it will show red overlays for a few seconds. Tags are good quality, this happens each time I open.

I’m new to this latest version, is this just a bug, or something I need to change from versions?

This is a known bug.

Is there a place to check on known bugs

@jlandwerlen Is the issue you are seeing similar to this?

Yes, exact issue.

Ok thank you! I’m linking that ticket and will update you when its been fixed.

Thank you!!

This issue was fixed in the 8.0.4 nightly build that was uploaded today (8/14).


I just downloaded 8.0.5 and this problem still exists.

We can’t use v8 until this is fixed. Not only is the overlays a problem, but window load times are 5x slower with the same application running in v7.


I suspect there have been a few different issues that have been confused into the concept of “slower loading”, and hence the confusion of what’s been fixed.

Let’s try to narrow down some idea of what’s happening on your system. Could you do the following:

  1. In the client, go to Help>Diagnostics. Go to the console and clear it.
  2. Under Logging Levels, find “Vision.Window” and “vision.binding” and turn those to Trace
  3. Go open your popup that is taking longer
  4. Go back to the console and copy everything in there out to a text file (or straight into a reply here)

Also, one other important question: are these tags on the local system, or are they going through a remote tag provider?

I have a few ideas, but hopefully this will give us a better start.

I’m more concerned with the overlay issue then with slow loading. We can’t change windows and have a bunch of red!

I’ll get to your bullet points when i have more time, but in the meantime please focus on the overlay issue.

Tags are local. This is a test system, PLC sitting on my desk, gateway running in a VM, same setup I did with v7. It’s all windows, all popups that have tags (windows/popups that are SQL are fine). Template repeaters behave the worst.

Trace.txt (98.7 KB)

8.0.7 was stated to have fixed this issue. I just installed and tested and it isn’t fixed. Anyone else see the same?

Edit, nevermind, just talked with support and there are still a few issues.