I’m having a problem with the Pipeline Jump-block.
The jump-block does not jump to a defined block when its activated.
The logs give out error:
"Received event for unknown pipeline ‘project:alarm-pipelines:/pipeline:Pipeline01Critical’. "
When the pipeline goes active the logs say:
ending alarm event ‘ca4b1bfb-ee8c-49be-bbff-9a3ae5bacf1d’ to pipeline ‘project:MainProject:/pipeline:Pipeline00Alarms’
The"'project:MainProject" is correct when the pipeline is activated but when the jump block activates it tries to go to " 'project:alarm-pipelines:" In the jump block there is no way to access this “project” setting.
How can i get this to work?
Is there some place where i can set the pipeli “default” project, or is this a BUG?