[BUG-14736] Perspective Time Series Chart - No Color Property for timeRange

I am not able to change the color of the timeRange display. It is light grey with no way to change it.


I will open a feature request.

Thank you-
Can I add that the text size is not configurable either, seems to be at size 10.

No prob; we’ll expose a style object that will give you full style control of the time range display.

Quick bump.
Wondering on the status of this feature. Attempting to make some style changes and it appears someone has made similar requests already.

Looks like this is still missing as of 8.1.20, is that correct? for both the time series chart and the chart range selector.

Any status update?

Any update on this?

Hello. Following up on this as well. Has this been addressed? I'm not seeing an editable style object.

8.1.40, still no style exposed?


Hello. Following up on this again. I'm still not seeing a style option exposed as of 8.1.47. Has this been addressed?