[BUG-14873]Report: "Preview Limit" option

Good morning.
In Ignition 8.0.3
When you create a report associated with a “named query”, the “Preview Limit” option only works when the “Use Sample Size Limit” option of the “named query” is active.

Named Query (“Testing” Tab):


Report (“Data” Tab):


Report (“Preview” Tab):

In addition, the limit of the number of rows used is the one set in the “named query”, not in the report.

Named Query (“Testing” Tab):


Report (“Data” Tab):


Report (“Preview” Tab):


I think this is confusing. The “Preview Limit” should work independently of the “named query”.

Best Regards.

Yeah, seems like we should be using the smaller of the two numbers or only the report preview limit. Thanks for catching that – I’ll make a ticket.

I think the “Preview Limit” should work independently of the “named query” testing.

Thank you.

This issue was fixed in the 8.0.7 nightly build that was uploaded today (10/30).