[Bug-15558]Perspective Component Schema Errors

In trying out my installation of Ignition 8, I changed or deleted a PROPS property of the XY Chart within Perspective. I don’t know what I changed, but now I receive errors (see picture below) that indicate the XY Chart properties do not match the component’s schema. The error persists with all new XY Charts, including ones created in a new Perspective project. Two questions:

  1. How do I reset the XY Chart to its original settings? Can I re-import the chart definition from somewhere?
  2. I understand it is a feature to be able to change component properties, but is there a way to lock out the components’ original properties to avoid fat-finger mistakes like mine?

Thanks in advance!

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In some cases (including this one here) the warnings displayed in the PROPS area which pertain to “additional properties” can be ignored without adverse effect. I’ve opened a ticket to define the properties in the schema so that this warning will no longer appear for the four properties listed in the tooltip.