I'm trying to translate the placeholder value and the filterResults of filter text area of a perspective table by using Translation manager without success.
How can I change those values?
<div class="tableFilter ia_tableComponent__filterContainer">
<div class="filterCommon">
<input class="ia_inputField" type="search" placeholder="Filter table..." value="test">
<div class="filterResults">0 result</div>
#Locale: fr
Filter\ table=Filtres
Filter\ table...=Filtres
This is sort of a long-standing bug that has existed forever because no users (to my knowledge) ever brought it up as an issue. I’ve opened an internal ticket to provide the ability to translate those two areas.
Thank you @cmallonee.
I don’t even know how to open an official issue.
Can you remind me how to do it?
Yes but if I want to create an issue by myself and follow it. I dont know how to do it.
any progress about this issue ?
No progress. It’s been validated, but it’s a low-priority issue and so it has not moved into the Development backlog.
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