[BUG-6526]Tag Security is Ignored by Property Bindings


I’m using Ignition Edge 8.1.18 with Perspective. I pass in a view parameter to a screen (an integer), and then I use that parameter to indirectly bind a UDT (tag) to a custom property in the screen. Finally, I bind controls on the screen to the custom property.

With the above approach, when a user edits tags via controls on the screen, all of the underlying tag security settings appear to be ignored. For example, I have a BOOL tag with write restricted to authenticated users, and it’s bound to a checkbox on the screen. If I bind the tag directly to the checkbox, it prevents writes with a security alert. However, if I bind the checkbox to the custom property (which is bound to the tag), the write is allowed and there is no security alert. Likewise the screen even ignores read-only restrictions on the tag and writes values anyway.

This binding approach (custom property) provides major advantages to me because I can avoid filling the screen with indirect tag bindings and have easier maintenance/updates. However, with this unexpected security behavior, it won’t be functional.

I haven’t been able to figure out if this is a bug or a feature from Google or the docs. I would appreciate feedback on this. Thanks!

Additional information:

To reproduce the issue, a nested UDT is required. If you bind a control as described above (via a custom property) to a child tag of a single UDT, security applies as expected. However, if you bind to a tag that is a child of a nested UDT, security fails to apply. The examples below were reproduced by a colleague as well on standard Ignition (non-Edge).

------- Example 1 (fails) -------
Target Tag: PadUdt\TankUdt\TopLevel
(TopLevel has restricted security)

Bind PadUdt to MyPad (Custom Property) in the screen (direct or indirect)
Bind a control to view.custom.MyPad.TankUdt.TopLevel

------- Example 2 (fails) -------
Target Tag: PadUdt\TankUdt\TopLevel
(TopLevel has restricted security)

Bind PadUdt\TankUdt to MyTank (Custom Property) in the screen (direct or indirect)
Bind a control to view.custom.MyTank.TopLevel

------- Example 3 (Works) -------
Target Tag: PadUdt\Active
(Active has restricted security)

Bind PadUdt to MyPad (Custom Property) in the screen (direct or indirect)
Bind a control to view.custom.MyPad.Active

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I have been able to duplicate this issue and a bug has been created. One thing I did notice was even your 3rd example was writing to the tag. I appreciate your taking the time to write up replication steps.


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In any case, I’d suggest binding the component’s enabled condition to the canWrite property of the tag so operators don’t have to click the button to know they can’t click it